APDIO Awards / IO 2015
The APDIO/IO2015 Award intends to reward doctoral studies in Operations Research area. The premium will consider the works produced under successful PhD thesis in the years 2013 ou 2014 .
A communication must be submitted to IO2015 based on the dissertation , whose first author is the author of the dissertation, which should make the presentation at the conference.
The submission must be in complete article mode for publication in the conference proceedings, as described in the IO2015 invitation to authors.
The application requires a paper copy of the submitted article, a copy of the PhD thesis that frames the work and a letter of application.
The documentation must be submitted in hard copy until 15 April 2015 , to the Department of Engineering and Management, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1049-001 Lisbon - Portugal ; A / C Prof. Ana Póvoa, or by email in pdf format to apovoa@tecnico.ulisboa.pt by the same date.
The APDIO Board will prepare a list of applications that will be available in www.apdio.pt until 30 April 2015 .
The jury will be chaired by the President of the IO2015 Program Committee , which will choose the other members, and there will be no appeal from its decisions. The jury can assign ex-aequo prizes or honorable mentions to other works it considers worthy of this distinction . The jury reserves the right not to award the prize.
The prize will be awarded during the IO2015 Conference which will be held in the College of Technology and Management of the Polytechnics Institute of Portalegre, from 7 to 9 September 2015 in Portalegre, Portugal.
Isabel Themido Award / IO 2015
The Isabel Themido Award intends to reward the best articles published by members of APDIO . This award is funded by a capital fund generated within Congress IFORS'93 in Lisbon and additional donations.
Articles published in the years 2013 and 2014 in international journals and written in English are eligible, and they shall appear with complete identification (indication of volume, number, pages and year).
The articles appointed by the authors and/or any member of APDIO are eligible for application.
A letter and a copy of the article should be sent until 15 April 2015, on paper to: Department of Mathematics , University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago 3810-193 Aveiro - Portugal ; A / C Prof. Domingos Cardoso , and sent by email in pdf format to dcardoso@ua.pt by the same date.
The APDIO Board will prepare a list of applications that will be available in www.apdio.pt until 30 April 2015
.The jury is chaired by Prof. Dr. José Dias Coelho and will have four members appointed by APDIO Board, and there will be no appeal on its decisions. The jury can assign ex-aequo prizes or honorable mentions to other works it considers worthy of this distinction. The jury reserves the right not to award the prize.
The prize will be awarded during the IO2015 Conference which will be held in the College of Technology and Management of the Polytechnics Institute of Portalegre, from 7 to 9 September 2015 in Portalegre, Portugal.
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